Article by: Sam Whitehead
This year the City of Rushford experienced major reconstruction of Highway 43 which runs through town. This meant multiple street closings for a large portion of the busiest time of the year. The Rushford EDA made many efforts to lessen negative impacts to local businesses. The EDA also hired a consultant to coordinate with the City, Chamber of Commerce, and MN DoT to help ensure a “business as usual” attitude throughout the entire process. In addition, the Rushford EDA set aside money for signage programs to help attract attention to local businesses, and the program was successful in creating quality signs for local businesses. This kept the store fronts looking their best through the roadwork and maintains that they will continue to look sharp into the future. The Rushford EDA continued a micro grant program to help businesses develop new marketing avenues and expand existing services. The program requires a matching contribution from the business to help ensure the fund helps as many as it can. Through the efforts of the EDA, the City of Rushford looks ahead boldly with a brand new highway and an appealing downtown, ready to provide excellent service for those passing through or those who have settled down.