Article by: Courtney Bergey
In spring 2016, the Minnesota Design Team visited Eyota to provide innovative ideas for future community and economic development. The visit, which was organized by CEDA team member Cathy Enerson, was sponsored in part by People’s Energy Cooperative with a $1,800 economic development grant in partnership with Dairyland Power.
It has been a year since the Design Team visit, and there is still positive momentum surrounding it; several ideas highlighted during the visit have been brought to fruition, including a Retail Gap Analysis and an outdoor film series. People’s Energy Cooperative continues to support these community initiatives and recently awarded a $1,000 Operation Round Up grant to the City of Eyota for their film series.
In 2016, over $100,000 in grants were made to nonprofit organizations and schools through Operation Round Up, a remarkable program made possible by PEC members “rounding up” to the nearest dollar on their monthly energy bills. In addition to grants, PEC also has grants available for economic development projects and a revolving loan fund to support new or expanding businesses in its service territory.
Nonprofits, municipalities, and businesses in PEC’s service territory are invited to contact CEDA team member Courtney Bergey to learn more.