Article by Chris Giesen
Over the past several months, the Lewiston Economic Development Authority has been looking at several ways to develop a city-wide trail system. Forming a separate trails committee to research opportunities and review proposals, this new trails committee is looking to ready the community to join a future network of trails throughout Winona County. “Although this larger network of trails is still in the early planning stages, it appears that Lewiston will be a hub of the Winona County trails,” said CEDA business development specialist Chris Giesen. “Lewiston, through their new trail committee and EDA has begun taking the necessary steps to develop a community trail system that will compliment this future network, enhance the quality of life, promote economic development, and encourage healthy life styles.”
Last fall, the EDA was awarded a $101,500 Safe Routes to School grant from MnDOT. These funds will build a short trail connecting a residential neighborhood to the Lewiston-Altura Elementary School, and improve the safety at 6 pedestrian intersections along a designated school route. The safety improvements include new signage, pavement markings, and bringing the intersections into compliance with the Americans with Disability Act.
The trail committee and EDA continue to plan the use of “sharrows” (pavement markings that depict a bicycle and arrows to alert motorists that bicycles are present and welcome to share the lane of traffic) on a number of city streets while the trail committee continues studying preferred routes for paved recreational trails.