Article by: Reva Mische

Since starting their work with CEDA in February, the City of Frazee, MN has been busy with projects to strengthen and promote their Economic Development activities. CEDA team member Reva Mische who serves Frazee has made social media a priority to further the marketing activities of the EDA.
Through social media outlets, communities are able to connect with residents they may not otherwise be able to reach. For Frazee, creating an EDA Facebook page linked to their City website is the first step in growing their social media presence. While the Facebook page is still in its infancy, the City’s EDA has already experienced increased ease in providing updates on resources, programs, and events. The page also serves as a venue for highlighting area businesses, organizations, and community members. By connecting through social media with other area organizations, such as the Frazee Community Club, the EDA can reach a larger audience through content sharing and “likes.”
In addition to the shared content from other are organizations and businesses, content posted on the Frazee EDA’s Facebook page currently includes advertising the Comprehensive Plan update, the Frazee Community Home Improvement program, and available properties. Future content may include community projects, business incentive program offerings, community and business surveys, and other engagement opportunities. While all community and business members may not be subscribers to social media, this venue offers Frazee the ability to expand their Economic Development marketing while keeping costs low and content fresh.