Lanesboro, MN: Sons of Norway Game-A-Thon


Lanesboro’s Sons of Norway Heimbygda Lodge invites you to their first annual Burmeister Memorial Game-A-Thon on Sat., March 11, 2023.  This event, free and open to the public, is to honor and remember our former members, Keith and Bea Burmeister.  Come be a part of Cabin Fever Fest in Lanesboro!

Come to the lodge anytime between 12-7pm to play with our provided games (cards, various board games) or bring your own.  There may be some members ready to teach you how to play whist!

We will play bingo at a time TBD.  Coffee, lemonade & water are provided – just bring your own snacks.


Mar 11 2023


12:00 pm - 7:00 pm